Here you'll find all the latest news and happenings related to Niagara Dog Rescue.

3 Rescues

In August 2018 we adopted “Jack”; he was 4 months old and came from Texas! Since we have a son Jack we decided “Buddy” would be a better name ! 

He is sweet and loving and truly a gentle giant! 

Then in December 2019 we adopted Shayla from Carolina. We didn’t have a lot of information on her or what her story was. We just felt Buddy needed a companion. She is so gentle with us and our 4 kids, but if you are a bunny 🐰 watch out! Also she is an amazing guard dog. No one enters the house unless she says so ! Lol 

And in April 2022 we saw sweet little “Junior” needed a place as he was coming to Canada from Dominican Republic. At 8 months, he was brought by airplane and after a very long hard confusing journey and check in at Toronto airport, he came home with us ! He didn’t know his name and so my daughter named him Arlo! 

He’s a bit different than our other two. He isn’t fond of men. He’s petrified of them actually. So my husband and two sons have a hard time bonding with him. Truthfully my daughter is his person! He doesn’t leave our sight, he has severe anxiety in his crate (we are working on that) and we haven’t yet got to see his real personality as he’s so scared of everything. But, we slowly introduce him to new people and new surroundings. He has never shown aggression not once ! He is a sweet loving little boy. And he just celebrated his 1st birthday on July 25th ! 

We are so thankful for NDR and all the work they have done and continue to do to help rescue these sweet souls!

Amanda Bradley

Thank you to
our partners!

We couldn’t do what we do without the
wonderful ongoing support from our
community partners. We encourage
all of our supporters to also
support our partners however
you’re able!