Here you'll find all the latest news and happenings related to Niagara Dog Rescue.

Loves baths

Bogo, now Hudson, is doing very well! He is a very anxious man and at the beginning he hid in his crate and shook for most of the day. He refused food and I had to really pull him outside just to pee. I was so worried about him.
It took him time but with each passing day he gets more comfortable with us and his new surroundings. He now excitedly bounces around like a little goat in the backyard, begging me to chase him around. Despite everything I’ve heard about jindos, he absolutely loves baths and water.

Hudson and our cat have become friends and they often share his bed together. His favourite spot is our front doors that are mostly window so he can look out. We live across from the lake and he loves the solitude of walks beside the lake.

I was diagnosed with cancer during the pandemic and after years of treatment I’m happy to say I’m in remission. One of my goals post cancer was to adopt a rescue dog. It feels like we both got a second chance at life, and I’m so happy we’re both here.

Sara Machni

Thank you to
our partners!

We couldn’t do what we do without the
wonderful ongoing support from our
community partners. We encourage
all of our supporters to also
support our partners however
you’re able!