Here you'll find all the latest news and happenings related to Niagara Dog Rescue.

Don't stop

It’s been a year and a half since this sweet boy Chester has joined our family. (Formally Greg Brady). He started showing his true colours and playfulness around the 6-8 month mark. And after a year you could tell he was happy, felt safe enough to know he was with his forever family.

We take him with us for every family trip. Every time we make the trip to grandma's house we stop for gas at the same gas station and Chester still gets a little crazy. I wonder if he thinks we are dropping him off to his next family!! 😩 He gets so squirmy, he won’t even go out for a pee break (just look at his face in this photo) but as soon as we get back on the road he get happy. And I mean super happy. He knows where we are going!

I wonder if the fear of us not keeping him forever will ever go away. We love this little floof ball so much we can not imagine life without him.
Does anyone else have this with their dogs?

I wish he could truly understand my words so he can understand nothing will ever make him leave his family. He is the best pup we could have ever asked for ❤️🐶❤️
Mandy Wright

Thank you to
our partners!

We couldn’t do what we do without the
wonderful ongoing support from our
community partners. We encourage
all of our supporters to also
support our partners however
you’re able!